Health & Fitness

Sucking in Your Stomach Is Harmful; You Must Stop It

We all have insecurities, but there are times when the root problem is deeply internalized. The media focuses on unrealistic standards. While it’s no one’s job to be the beauty police, we can remind others and ourselves that it’s okay to love your body. Sucking in the stomach is, however, a different trend. While sucking in the stomach is a great method to look slim, this may not be good for one’s health.

Sucking in Stomach; The Role of Your Diaphragm

Before you begin belly-vacuuming, you should think of your weakened organs, just to start. A draw in your stomach, your diaphragm contracts because it is pulled downward by the vacuum force. This means that your diaphragm has to work harder and harder to do its job. Your diaphragm is the muscle that inflates your lungs with air.  It sends blood to your heart and other vital organs when it relaxes.

Is Sucking in Your Stomach Good or Bad?

Suppose you sit in a hunched posture for long hours and suck in your stomach. You might be eventually harming organs that are very important in helping you live longer. But is this safe? Some say that sucking in your stomach and holding it in place for a long period can lead to pressure on your internal organs.

Sucking in Stomach and Hernia

If you hold in your stomach for too long, you might also experience a hernia. It occurs when the abdominal wall muscles stretch themselves beyond their capacity. A hernia can be life-threatening if it involves the intestines pushing through the abdominal wall; immediate medical attention is needed if such a condition occurs, per Health Shots. But the waist trainers have their defenders. According to Daily Mail, celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Adriana Lima have been spotted wearing waist trainers.

Long-term consequences are unknown, and the results are very temporary. The main concern is that this method could cause a hernia, varicose veins, and blood clots. That’s the reason, people say that sucking in stomach is not good for you. “Sucking in your stomach is an unhealthy way to breathe. Your diaphragm is not designed to stay against the spine in a crunch,” says Sports medicine Expert.

Does It Hurt You to Have Sucking in Your Stomach?

Yes, it hurts for sure. Many a person has complained about it. Actually, the biological metabolism and mechanism involved in all this sucking phenomenon causes the pain in your stomach. Here is what happens when you suck in your stomach.

How the Diaphragm Functions When You Suck in Your Stomach

The thin-shaped muscle which keeps separating your chest from the abdomen is a diaphragm. It acts as a bellow when we breathe and plays an important role in core stabilization, especially when performing exercises such as sit-ups or crunches. This muscle attaches posteriorly to the abdominal wall and anteriorly to the spine. When we suck in our stomachs, the diaphragm moves inferiorly and compresses the contents of the abdomen into the pelvis. The pressure from above can cause pain in structures such as pelvic organs or the lumbar spine. The pressure from below can compress blood vessels, nerves, and the digestive tract.

The effects of this dysfunction range from back pain to headaches, shoulder pain, incontinence, issues involving pelvic floor dysfunction, and in extreme cases lead to death.

When we suck in our stomach, we use our abdominal muscles to push out our belly. The diaphragm should flatten out and move down under pressure, but in an overused diaphragm, this does not happen, resulting in inefficient breathing. If we keep sucking in we will also tense up our oblique and midsection which increases tension in the abdominal wall and further inhibits breathing. Although there are many other reasons to have pain in the stomach as we discussed of them in our previous article

Reasons to Stop Sucking in your Stomach

Sucking in your stomach is a habit that many women do not even notice, but should take into account what it can cause in the long run. It is a shame to be sedentary and not realize how bad it is to suck in your guts because it can lead to Pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction. There are even scientific studies that argue that sucking in the stomach makes it worse to pee when you sneeze or laugh. Studies indicate that most people do not breathe correctly, but that makes all the difference.

The Major Reasons Why You Should Stop This Harmful Practice

You might have sucked or pulled in your stomach for a long time to get a nice flat belly. Let us give you reasons to stop doing it. According to a women’s sexual and reproductive health expert, stomach suckers can be severely harmful to both men and women.

To break out of that habit, you need to practice the exact opposite of sucking in your stomach. Expanding your belly and filling up the body may help you in this regard. There is a lot of research available on the internet on breathing and much of them were very technical, but the basic principle is that belly breathing helps you relax, just like a yawn does. And when you’re not tense, you don’t suck in your stomach.

There are more reasons to stop sucking in your stomach other than being overly serious about fitness. Breathing is something you can’t live without. It’s an essential of life but we take breathing for granted, without realizing that without breathing our body cannot function properly. Breathing not only helps us to get air, but it also helps control our heart rate and blood pressure.


So, this article concludes that sucking in your stomach is injurious to your health and bad for you because it can lead to various dysfunctions and pain in your body. However, some people such as athletes do it often to increase their core muscle strength and abdominal muscles training, but some cases cause back problems or muscle strain by immodest sucking in your stomach. When people feel good, they like to keep their body posture stable, so that full of energy.

Usman Khan

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