Health & Fitness

How to Get Rid of Brain Fog: Effective Strategies to Reduce Fogginess and Improve Concentration

We all have spacey moments, but sometimes brain fog, or lack of concentration, can take over an individual’s whole day. Brain fog is something to take seriously when it affects your daily life, and we’re here to show you how to get rid of brain fog and ways to reduce this fogginess.

Meditation, exercise, living a clean lifestyle, and getting a good night’s sleep are just a few ways to reduce brain fog.

Practice Mindfulness

Some people think that mindfulness means completely clearing your brain and not thinking of anything, but in reality, it’s teaching your brain how to concentrate on the moment in front of you rather than stressing about the past or the future. When we have too many things on our minds, it can become cloudy and unfocused. Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help clear your head. And you don’t have to start big to reap the benefits. Try this simple mindfulness exercise next time your brain is feeling foggy:

  • Do a quick, 5-10 minute breathing exercise every day. When you feel stressed, try doing easy breathing exercises such as taking slow and deep breaths while counting up to five. This can be a good alternative to managing stress. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, simple actions can help you reduce stress and regain control over your life. Try these strategies to take a break from the day’s stressors.


Nothing clears your brain like a good sweat. Working out is not only good for your body, heart health, and energy levels, but it’s also great for your mind. If you’re not used to working out, getting a little more movement in your daily life is not hard. Consider opting for the stairs instead of the elevator, parking at a distance and walking to the store, taking a 10-minute stroll around your office building every hour, or taking your furry friend on a slightly longer walk daily. These changes may be small, but they will help you clear your mind and reduce brain fog.

Living a Clean Lifestyle

Drugs, alcohol, or an unhealthy diet can make your brain foggy. Limiting these vices will help reduce brain fog, and you can take baby steps to get there. You don’t have to cut off any of your habits cold turkey, but living an overall healthier lifestyle will help clear your head.

One way to live this clean lifestyle is to go through a detox from alcohol. This will be different for each person, but this could mean skipping a drink or two when you normally have one with dinner, going to group activities involving something besides alcohol, or choosing a new habit, such as reading or photography, instead of drinking.

If you’re trying to eat healthier, you can find small ways to incorporate more fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet without making major changes. These adjustments will help clear your mind and keep you more focused because your body will operate properly. Here are a few of our favorite ways to add more healthy food to your diet:

  • Cook at home more often rather than eating out. Even “healthy” entrees in restaurants are made with more oil, sodium, and calories than an equivalent meal at home.
  • Every plate of food should have a carb, like sweet potatoes, a protein, like chicken breast, and a vegetable, like asparagus. This balance is key.
  • When you feel a sugar craving coming on, choose fresh fruit instead of cake, cookies, or candy.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Not sleeping enough is probably the most common reason for brain fog, so getting a good night’s sleep is key. While you sleep, your body uses that time to regenerate itself, and studies have actually found that disturbances in sleep can affect hormone levels, concentration, mood swings, and more. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time, even on weekends! This will help make sure your circadian clock is on track.

No one likes to live life in the clouds, and these tips will help reduce brain fog and keep you alert, focused, and living life as your best self.

Also, read the following:

Jacqueline Lewis

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