
Curly Hair Care tips

Curly hair care is difficult as compare to other kinds of hair. A common issue with curly hair is the lack of moisture therefore, hair dries out easily. After drying they show extra volumes which sometimes become irritating to handle in public. On the scalp, there are 100,000 follicles that are responsible for hair growth need to care regularly. This is a very basic article for curly hair care and covers all the questions which usually come across.

Almighty Allah has blessed every human being with different qualities. Biologically all human beings are similar but their apparent personalities differ from each other. The apparent look is very important therefore, everyone takes good care of it. Hair plays an important role in enhancing your beauty and grace. Sometimes you feel under the weather because of your hair. When we look at someone at first we look at her hair. A woman with curly hair looks courageous, outspoken, challenge in perception, and norms opponent. She does not easily win by the standards of society and shaken by anyone. Curly hair women enjoy their rock-solid values, principles, and uniqueness. Curly hair woman takes care of her curly hair like others. They have fun with their natural curl and enjoy their status.

How do You keep Curly Hair Healthy?

When it comes to health either its body or hair, important thing is to eat healthily. Eat food full of vitamin A, B, C, D, E, Zinc, Iron, and Protein. Find products specially made for curly hair. Don’t over-clean your hair. Do not wait too long to apply styling products on hair. Oiling is essential for hair when it comes to curly hair care use coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil. If you warm the oil a little before applying it would be of great effect on hair growth. Overnight oiling is the best remedy. Apply oil the night before washing your hair. Detangling hair post-shower is not a good idea. Use a wide-tooth comb in the shower when you are conditioning your hair. Keep combing your hair from roots to tips until they are knot-free. Combing or detangling hair even with fingers after rinse may create more unnecessary frustration.

How can I bring out my Natural Curls?

Sometimes hair loses its natural curl consequently gets flat from the top. To bring out the natural curls in your hair try to rinse your hair upside down. Rinsing hair with your head back can flatten your hair. Use conditioners rich in coconut oil, aloe vera, shea butter, or avocado oil. It will keep your hair moisturized thus hair strands remain hydrated. Fingers are the best tool to detangle curly hair. Do not rub your hair with a towel in this case it increases the friction and causes frizz. Always pat your hair with T-shirt gently to absorb water. Always apply a curl defining gel/lotion. Never use a product that makes your hair dry. Curly hair is difficult to cut. Always go to the stylist who better knows about the curls. Always use a diffuser in the air dry to maintain the curl. Do not touch your curls frequently.

How do You Sleep with Curly Hair?

Curly hair always needs attention even when you are sleeping. Sleeping on the stomach or on your side is always best because when you sleep on your back you turn your head side by side results in frizz and knots in your hair. Avoid cotton pillowcase. Cotton absorbs oil from hair and causes dryness whereas a silk pillow is the best option. Cotton pillowcase causes friction; therefore, more oil of hair is absorbed by cotton. Whereas silk pillow keeps your head cool and produces less oil. It does not put stress on your hair follicles and prevents the breakage of hair. It keeps your natural curl safe. Another way to protect them is to gather your hair gently at the top of your head and tie a scrunchie of the silk scarf. A simple twist of hair or braid is best to maintain and stabilize curl throughout the night.

How often does Curly Hair be Washed?

All scalps release oil naturally which is good for hair and lessen frizz. But if you don’t wash away the oil from your hair for a long time it could damage you. Shampooing curly hair every day can remove the hair from its much-needed natural oil which increases the dryness of hair. It’s good to shampoo hair every other day or thrice a week.

For curly hair, shampoo should be 100 percent free from the sulfate. Use a conditioner before or after the shampoo. Avoid hot water for washing because it opens the hair cuticle. Luke water or cold water help in sealing the cuticles and lessen hair loss.

How do I fix my Curls?

Curly hair has different thicknesses. It becomes very difficult to fix the curls in your when you are in outdoor activities or after getting up in the morning. There are some simple tips. Always deep condition your hair even when you are not shampooing your hair. Detangle your hair with your fingers. Do not use a hairbrush, use a wide-tooth comb. Fill a spray bottle with water. Spray water on your hair and wet your hand. Put a tablespoon of conditioner on your palm and apply this on your curl with a soft hand scrunch to define your curls.

How can I Reverse Heat Damage Curly Hair?

Heat damage hair can be reversed if not severely damage. If the cuticle of the hair is damaged then it won’t be restored. There is the only solution is to cut your hair. Some of the curls could be revived if the process is minimal. Temporarily reverse treatment can be done through professional protein treatment. Heat damages hair when extremely heated styling tools are used excessively. It is important to keep the temperature normal. If you are using the tool at 400-450 degrees, press hair only twice.  For prevention from heat, damage uses a protein mask at least once a week on your hair.

How can I Repair my Curly Hair at Home?

Repairing curly hair at home is enjoyable. Here are a few techniques that could help you to repair your curly hair t home. Styling curly hair is difficult but not impossible.

  • Trim Hair

Trim hair after every three months if you have split ends. Split ends cannot be repaired even with highly expensive products. Splits end continues damaging hair texture as a result hair stop growing.  Prefer a stylist for hair trimming and if you don’t want to go to a stylist just sharpen scissors and snip off the ends. You don’t need to lose extra length just trim the split ends.

  • Stop Using Chemicals

Excessive use of chemicals to change the color of hair is one of the biggest reasons for hair damage. Take a chemical break and consequently, you will see the difference within days. If you can’t avoid coloring hair try to use ammonia-free products.

  • Styling Hair Without an Electrical Tool

Try to style your hair without using electrical tools.  There are many hairstyles you can try with your curly hair i.e. messy braid and buns. Electrical tools damage the cuticle of hair speedily and extremely harmful for hair collagen.

  • Deep Conditioning Your Hair

Deep conditioning maintains hair therefore your hair stays hydrated. It is necessary to deep condition hair once a week. The method is very simple. After a day of washing your hair, wet your hair with the water spray bottle. Take a bowl and put conditioner into it according to your hair length. Take short strands of hair and apply conditioner on full length leaving one inch from the scalp of the head in that case hair roots will not damage. After applying, cover your hair with a shower cap or polythene shopper on the whole head to maintain the moisture. Wash after 30-45 minutes depending on the texture of your hair. Don’t use shampoo or hot water. Luke water is best for hair wash. Wash hair thoroughly and dry with T-shirt.

  • Homemade Conditioning Mask

For curly hair care, nothing is better than a homemade mask if you are treating your hair regularly.  A lot of stuff is available at our home which could fulfill the requirements of our hair in addition to branded conditioners.

Mix Aloe Vera, whole egg, olive oil/coconut oil/ mustard oil (oil could be used according to your hair and climate) in a bowl and apply for 30-45 minutes. Cover hair with a shower cap. Then wash a condition thoroughly. It will indeed work on your hair.

Mix banana mash with oil (mustard/almond/olive/ castor), honey, and lemon extract. Apply on hair for 45-60 minutes. Cover hair with a shower cap. Then wash and condition hair.

Tip: whenever you apply a hair mask never let it too dry. It causes stiffness in your hair.

Is it Better to let Curly Hair Air Dry?

Air dry helps your curly hair to fix its curls unlike you let them dry on their own. The common mistake made by girls is using an air dryer without the diffuser. Without a diffuser blow dryer hits the strands forcefully and the excessive amount of heat hits hair. It creates a lot of friction and frizz. The diffuser helps to limit the heat, air pressure, and maintain the curl for a long time.

Imran Farooq

Love for blogging and writing is in my bones and so I have developed a warm passion over the years now for writing about shopping related stuff. Besides, internet marketing also appeals to me and has become my favorite domain nowadays. I am all the time available for my pursuers at

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